Welcome to Putlocker Official site of 2022
Putlocker is a free streaming site that allows you to watch tons of full HD movies and TV shows online for free. With Putlocker, you don’t have to register or buy any membership or download any extra software and apps to stream free movies. All of these great features are available on our only latest site for 2022, www.putlocker.fan.
Apart from 123Movies, Putlocker is one of the other world-renowned streaming services in the online streaming service industry. It offers a broad range of movies genres and TV shows in full HD all for free. These features make Putlocker one of the most suitable free streaming sites ever for everyone regardless of their situation and background.
Why is Putlocker so popular?
Biggest Free Movies Library:
- Putlocker’s library content is huge, about 100000 titles, allowing watchers to stream free movies and shows endlessly. All of the content was made sure to be in full HD whenever they are updated on the site.
- While most other sites require users to pay a certain amount of money to use their service. Putlocker doesn’t do that, you are served exactly like another premium service without paying a dime. Registration free, cost-free, completely secure,… you name all of the features any free streaming service needed to offer, Putlocker has them all for you! Although Putlocker’s free movies content library continuously expands, please rest assured that they never restrict the number of movies you can watch a day. Putlocker is truly one of the biggest dreams come true for movie buffs!
Feature-rich and easy to use:
- Putlocker offers many device compatibilities to users. This means you can not only watch free full HD movies on your laptop but also mobile, tablet, smart TV,… Many movies and shows genres are offered on Putlocker, such as Romance, War, History, Sci-fi, Animation, Thriller,… and the movies are from many different countries in the world as well. You can even find rare movies from the 50s to the latest blockbuster that has just been released this week on Putlocker.
- The next great function is the Advance Filter. This provides you lists of top movies featured in different popular rankings such as Top 2021 IMDb movies, Top Action movies from last 3 years, Most viewed Korean Drama from last 5 years, Top 2020 IMDb series,…
- And last but not least, the search function always comes in handy when you want to find any specific movies and series fast, like Loki 2021, Mean Girls, A Quiet Place, Rick and Morty.
Is it safe to watch movies from Putlocker?
- According to the site’s user experience surveys and feedback, Putlocker is reviewed as a safe place to stream free movies online. About 79% and 73% of regular customers ranked the site as the most trustworthy site and safe for children respectively. Some people may find these percentages not as high as other sites but for a big site like Putlocker, these results are impressive!
- You can have a look at other trustworthy sites to judge Putlocker yourself:
+ Google safe browsing
+ Virustotal URL scanner
+ URLvoid